Begin Within: Start 2023 In Alignment
When the new year starts, many like to make a list of resolutions, goals, or wishes for the new year.
While a list of resolutions and new year goals can be a wonderful way to put into the universe the things you want to work on, many fall into the trap of writing down misaligned resolutions.
What are misaligned resolutions? They’re the ones you somehow never manage to keep up with, and within a few weeks, you’ve completely given upon them. Then for the rest of the year, you end up feeling discontent and unhappy with the rest of your resolutions and perhaps even forget what was the purpose of them to begin with.
If you're one of the people who are struggling with this, struggling with a disconnect from your reality and the things you wish to bring into your present, then keep reading. We will break down the ways you can hit the reset button through self-care together and find what truly matters to you.
What is the purpose of being in alignment?
Being aligned with yourself means you have a deep understanding of what you value, your purpose, and follow your intuition into doing what feels best for you. When you're in alignment, you will be happy with most of your decisions because you know it came from a place of abundance and clarity.
When there's true alignment within you between your mind, body and soul, you don't waver in your decisions because you're at peace with your thoughts.
What does this mean for you? It means you don't add things to your resolutions that you don't believe in. This way, you can start off the new year with a good idea of what it is you want and knowing how to implement a self-care routine that will benefit your needs.
Some ways you can find alignment in yourself are:
There's many more ways, but these are just a few practices that can be implemented to help you with self-reflection and self-discovery so you have the best chance of starting your New Years with a renewed sense of self and a fresh perspective on what you want from life.
How does yoga help me discover myself?
Yoga brings us to the present moment. It's a great way to clear the mind and work through whatever has been burdening you.
Throughout our days, we don't realize how much we're carrying with us mentally, emotionally and physically. This can take a toll and ultimately disconnect you from receiving and understanding the signals from your own body.
Yoga compels you to pause, stay in the moment and reflect on the thoughts that cross your mind and let them go through you.
Overtime, and with practice, you can utilize this even off the mat when it comes to handling the stress of the day and making important decisions that require you to have a clear mind.
Does meditation and breathwork really work?
If you want it to. Meditation and breathwork, like yoga, help you hit the pause button, stay grounded and learn to focus on the now.
Meditating can really help with being able to silence your mind, focus, tune out the world around you and self-soothe in a way that works for you.
These kinds of activities can be essential to guiding you to find what's out of place in your life, what's throwing you off alignment and eventually lead you to discovering your aligned purpose in this current chapter of your life.
What does manifesting do? Why is it important for the New Year?
Your mind creates the reality you see. Tell yourself something often enough, you eventually start believing it and building your reality around that belief.
For example, vision boards are one way you can manifest what you want the New Year to look like and work toward your goals. They can help shift your energy and perspective each time you take a look at your vision board.
An important key to remember in order for manifestation to work is that you have to be willing to pair your visualization to action. This is important to acknowledge because it sets the foundations for the new year and serves as a reminder to you throughout the months what you want to work on, what you want to make happen, so when you start getting misaligned, you can get yourself back on track.
Setting an intention to start your manifestation journey can be an important step to finding what truly aligns with you and where your desires lie in order to start the new year right.
What about journaling?
Journaling is a great way to get the thoughts out of your mind and down on paper. You can do a gratitude journal, focus on prompts or write down some thoughts that stood out to you when meditating or doing yoga.
Journaling can be a great way to help focus your mind on what you really want and lead you to alignment.
How can I get started?
Join a transformational self-care retreat to be in alignment for the new year
If you want a reset button to start your new year and desire to establish a clear life vision for 2023, I invite you to consider joining our transformational retreat in Belize for the New Year.
You will begin each morning with energizing wellness practices like yoga, breathwork and meditation to focus on the present moment. You will then be guided with writing practices for self-discovery and self-alignment to achieve deep peace so you can hear what is truly meant for you.
You will also be able to participate in mindset & manifestation workshops where you will be able to connect with like-minded womxn and learn how to work on your mindset for effective and aligned manifestation throughout the upcoming year.
What’s more, this retreat will offer you a change of scenery to refresh and renew your mind so you can set the right intentions for 2023. You can take a nature walk and meditate surrounded by the healing energy of the Belize jungle, you can offer yourself spacious time for personal reflection and integration, or whatever else you need to feel grounded and balanced.
We will end each day with restorative practices to rest and sleep well after having eaten high electric chef-prepared foods to restore our body.
The healing energy within the jungles of Belize is the perfect place to find your reset button and reconnect with who you are, what matters most to you, what does living in alignment mean to you and being guided to your purpose.